This is the way I feel some days. You know, when the world seems a bit harsh and you just don't want to be out in it. She crawled onto the bed at 6.30am and didn't get off it again until 4pm. That's quite a nap. And she has a bladder like a camel.
Priya and I must be in sync - check out this cutie.
That is such an adorable picture in so many different shades of black, white and grey. Ten hour nap! I wish I could do that!
ReplyDeleteI like your new website. Now I know your name.
Years ago, I had a penpal called Alyssa Simone Budge. She lived in Perth.
Oh how cute! Is "Sumi" her name? I used to have a cat same colour as her when I was little and we used to call her "gure" (grey) :)
ReplyDeleteHiki - yes, her name is Sumi. She was a bit darker when she was a kitten which is why I chose that name :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I've just sailed over from Priya's blog and discovered you and your GORGEOUS blog full of wonderment and lovliness. Must be my lucky day!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful photograph - it should be blown up and framed. Perfect!
I must go now and browse the rest of this delicious discovery.
Thanks Tessa **blushing** for your sweet words. It's always lovely to get feedback.
ReplyDeleteYep, I know that feeling well! I sometimes think that I'd love a day just to do that, but then I wonder if I actually would?
ReplyDeletethat is so sweet!!
ReplyDeletehaha yes so amazing how much cats can sleep!
gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
ReplyDeletesuplemen alami penambah nafsu makan anak,obat gondok beracun tradisional,cara menyembuhkan benjolan benjolan di belakang telinga,obat tradisional kanker kolorektal,cara menyembuhkan pembesaran limpa,cara menyembuhkan tbc kelenjar,obat pembengkakan kelenjar tiroid herbal,cara menyembuhkan kanker esofagus,obat bejolan di pergelangan tangan,obat herbal benjolan di bawah lidah,cara alami menyembuhkan kanker adrenal,obat pelancar peredaran darah,cara alami menyembuhkan kista dermoid,cara alami menyembuhkan biduran,pengobatan tradisional kanker tenggorokan,cara alami mencegah alzheimer,cara menyembuhkan syaraf kejepit di tangan,obat herbal sistitis,cara alami mengatasi dismenore atau nyeri haid,obat kanker tulang tanpa kemoterapi,pengobatan alami glaukoma akut,cara alami menyembuhkan tumor mamae,pengobatan alami pembesaran prostat