I've been printing. My hands, especially my knuckles get sore when I do too much. It comes from placing to much pressure on that part of my hand when I use the baren. Last time I printed my knuckles actually bled and where painful for more than a week after :(
I'm experimenting with dusky pinks amongst the pale grey of 'living things' which is what these watercolour washes are about.
I love how the wood, as it ages with use, gets really smooth. Like an old river pebble or driftwood at the beach. So tactile and lovely.
Great to see your printing table.
ReplyDeleteOuch! Sorry about your hurting hands. I have a big callous on one of my knuckles from the baren. Your blocks look lovely.
ReplyDeletea very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
ReplyDeleteobat penyempitan tulang belakang herbal,obat penghilang benjolan di leher tradisional,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan maag kronis,obat pereda nyeri persendian,pengobatan tradisional emfisema paru,obat pereda sakit kepala sebelah tradisional,cara mengatasi penyakit ankilosis,cara mengatasi mata lelah akibat komputer,cara mengatasi kulit hipersensitif,pengobatan tradisional retinitis pigmentosa,pengobatan tradisional mata juling,pengobatan untuk mengurangi mata minus,cara cepat mengatasi trigliserida tinggi,cara mengobati penyakit selulitis orbitalis,pengobatan tradisional wasir(ambeien),obat pereda nyeri pinggang tradisional,pengobatan tradisional luka gangren,