'More picture of pajamas?' I hear you say. Well yes, just one more post about the pj sewing frenzy and then that's it. Promise.
These were made from 100% cotton purchased from our friend Spotlight. It's a heavier weight cotton then the previous pair but still ok for summer. I found the fabric in that funny section they call 'American craft fabric'. Whatever that means. My challenge was that I wanted the leafy branches to go length ways down the legs but because of the fabric width I was forced to go the other way. So the branches in fact go sideways across the legs. Some would say a little less flattering. I think I've just gotten away with it. What do you think? Please excuse the green polka dot felted slippers. It was a bit chilly here this morning.
That is really nice fabric for Spotlight! Usually I can't find anything I like there. I will have to take a closer look at that section next time I am there.
ReplyDeleteNice work again - I think the fabric works fine on the horizontal as the branches are curvy anyway - this might be the start of another business doing PJ's..
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone in your family is getting PJs for Chrissy. It's a great idea. I had a notion to make PJs for everyone in the family one year. I never got around to it, but maybe next year. If I start now, I might get it sorted, what do you think?
ReplyDeleteGreat idea Kate! I'm in no way ready for it this year though :)
ReplyDeletea very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
ReplyDeletemultivitamin untuk mencegah penuaan dini,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan gagal jantung,obat penghilang kista ginjal tradisional,obat penghilang perut kembung dan begah tradisional,obat mata floaters tradisional,obat penghilang benjolan di bawah dagu,obat pereda radang gusi tradisional,obat pereda nyeri punggung tradisional,cara mengatasi kelainan tulang lordosis,cara mudah dan sehat membakar lemak di perut,obat penyakit silikosis tradisional,suplemen pembakar lemak tercepat,ganoderma plus capsule,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan gagal ginjal akut,obat penghilang nyeri punggung tradisional,tips alami mengangkat sel kulit mati di wajah,pengobatan tradisional penyakit pneumonia,obat pereda sakit pinggang tradisional,obat pereda asam lambung tinggi tradisional,pengobatan tradisional kanker nasofaring,pengobatan tradisional paru-paru kering,opengobatan tradisional mata bintitan,pengobatan tradisional penyakit hepatoma,pengobatan tradisional kuku cantengan,obat pelebur batu ginjal tradisional,cara menyembuhkan alergi seafood,obat adenomyosis tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penurun darah tinggi (hipertensi),bahaya kelebihan kalsium dan cara mengatasinya,cara menghilangkan melasma secara alami,cara mengatasi disfungsi seksual,cara alami menyembuhkan dermatitis,bahaya penyakit wasir berdarah,agen resmi green world,obat penghilang benjolan di payudara,multivitamin alami pengencang kulit wajah,obat penghilang benjolan di ketiak tradisional,obat pereda pegal linu tradisional,pengobatan tradisional multiple myeloma,pengobatan tradisional penyakit gerd,cara mengobati penyakit bronkiektasis
By the way, Thank you for sharing with us, and we sincerely hope you will continue to update or post other articles.
ReplyDeletecara alami menyembuhkan osteokondroma