I'm going to make some new pajama pants from this fabric over the weekend. With any luck I'll be using a simple pattern from my Japanese sewing book.
I've just finished reading a novel by Kim Edwards: The Memory Keeper's Daughter and I loved it! The kind of book you can't put down. The artwork on the cover fits the tale so well - so ephemerally fragile and beautiful.
What are you up to over the next couple of days? Any plans? Reading anything good at the moment?
I am trying to write stories re the Samoa trip for publication and there's family stuff going on around me, one of the kids has come out and wants to shut all the windows and turn a DVD on loud. Another has her boyfriend here and they haven't seen each other for two months (no one dares go near their room, my partner walked in and promptly walked out again). Again, living with dependent adults might see an implosion and then an explosion. Grrrrrr.
ReplyDeletePS: I really love the material that's been chosen for the PJs. Can't wait to see the results.
ReplyDeleteThat's some busy house you have happening there Kate.
ReplyDeleteI've hit a snag with the PJ sewing - buttonholes. For the openings where the waist thread goes through. Can't seem to master them.
I'd rather do a button hole any day than do a zipper. I think button holes are HEAPS easier and 10 times the fun.
ReplyDeleteI've got a book on hold for the xmas break - the first of the crime/thriller trilogy books by the Swedish guy who only wrote 3 books and died just before the first was published (he smoked 60 cigarettes a day). All best sellers. Can't think of his name right now (I'm not at home where my book is).
Looking forward to that..
Stieg Larsson. I haven't read the trilogy myself yet but someone I know is getting the set from me for xmas. If she's good, that is :)
ReplyDeleteI just mastered button holes! Yay! PJ's are finished and looking quite cute if I do say so myself.
Working on a block print that I should have started weeks ago. And just finished reading The Wasted Vigil, by Nadeem Aslam. Stunning.
ReplyDeleteWould love to see the finished pants, thanks for the lovely encouragement for my sewing adventures :-)
ReplyDeleteLove the fabric. Well done with the button holes too. I love Fred Varga's quirky detective books, set in Paris - they are slow to move plotwise but worth the read. Three Evangelists is a good one.
ReplyDeleteOh thanks for all these great reading suggestions everyone :) :)
ReplyDeletea very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
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