I'm not getting much printmaking done but I am walking a lot down at the
creek and taking
photos of plants and flowers and things that inspire (these photos are of flowering succulents from my garden but taken from underneath). I still feel quite lazy with the holiday break and am not doing a whole lot except recharging the batteries in a very pleasant unproductive kind of way. But tomorrow might even be picnic-worthy weather so that would be something.
I saw a wonderful film yesterday -
Vicky Christina Barcelona - a new one directed by Woody Allen. If you knew how much Woody has annoyed me over the years with his films you might find it a little surprising that I really enjoyed this one. What's not to love about Barcelona? Beautiful city! Makes me want to go back there right this minute except it's winter in the northern hemisphere and all my fond memories of Spain are summer ones. I loved Penelope Cruz in this too - she makes a very good crazy Spanish painter. So Woody you have redeemed yourself for the moment. Keep making films like this and
Match Point and I'll consider becoming a fan.
For paper cut devotees take a look at this sweet little
animation found through Heather's blog,
skinny laminx. The work involved in making something like this is just astounding.