1. List 7 random facts/habits about yourself.
2. Choose another 7 bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog.
3. Leave your 7 tagged bloggers comments to notify them of their tagging and to direct them to your blog for tag instructions.
So here goes with my 7 random facts/habits:
1. I live in a little old house in the city with a large garden that will one day engulf me with its weeds.
2. I've just finished reading "Dead Air" by Ian Banks, a wonderfully cynical, but incredibly funny British writer.
3. I really want to visit New York City. I'm reading NYC City Secrets edited by Robert Kahn, full of the favourite places of writers, artists, filmmakers, foodies etc... It's fantastic!
4. I go to bed early - about 9.30am most nights or I can't be human the next day.
5. My favourite television program of all time is "Six Feet Under". Rachel Griffiths is amazing.
6. I love the smell of eucalyptus trees and the Australian bush. I almost cried when I first smelt it again after living away for many years.
7. I could easily be a hermit but fight the temptation daily by being reasonably social (I hope).
And the 7 art blogs I'm going to tag in this game are (apologies to those who have already been tagged or who don't like these games):
1. Moontea artwork - Kristin Logabill
2. Inaluxe - Kristina Sostarko
3. Janeys Journey
4. Woodblock Dreams - Annie Bissett
5. Pepperina Press - Helen
6.Poppy Talk
7. Jodi's Weblog - Jodi Green
my lovely sweet cat, Sumi, sitting in the olive tree pot.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah! what a great read... I can so relate to the hermit thing... LOL. And I just adore your cat! we have two cats - Lady Godiva is grey like Sumi, but she's way old now and looks a little smaller and she's also deaf. we adore her totally, and of course, our black captin aka minki. by the way, I did my seven fact thingies - :) thank you for asking me, I was going to ask you too, but I've been beaten! xo
ReplyDeletea very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
ReplyDeletecara cepat menghilangkan singkayo,bahaya penyakit gondok beracun,bahaya keputihan pada masa kehamilan,cara menyembuhkan sakit tulang ekor,cara menyembuhkan gastritis kronis,obat tidur lelap tanpa efeksamping,cara mengobati penebalan dinding rahim,cara alami menyembuhkan ruam popok,cara alami menyembuhkan thlasemia,cara alami menyembuhkan scrabies,cara menyembuhkan nyeri punggung,cara menyembuhkan varikokel,cara menyembuhkan peradangan di hati,obat rada kandung empedu tradisional,obat flu tulang tradisional,obat radang gusi tradisional,obat polip lambung tradisional,cara alami menyembuhkan usus buntu,cara alami menyembuhkan parkinso,obat tradisional untuk luka gangren,cara menyembuhkan tumor jinak,cara tradisional menghilangkan keloid,cara alami menyembuhkan peradangan telinga,cara alami menyembuhkan darah manis,cara menyembuhkan penyempitan tulang belakang,obat infeksi kelenjar ludah herbal,obat faringitis kronis herbal,cara alami menyembuhkan kista bartholin,cara alami menyembuhkan impetigo,suplemen alami untuk tulang dan sendi,obat epididmitis herbal,obat hipertiroid untuk ibu hamil,obat herbal penghilang vitiligo,obat herbal psoriasis vulgaris,obat polip rahim herbal,obat kista baker herbal,