When I lived in Japan I ate a lot of fish. I was pretty much addicted to an amazingly soft fleshed white fish which I later found out to be unsalted cod. In Australia we mostly have salted cod available so it was a bit of a taste revelation to discover the non-salted variety. I ate a lot more fish while living in Japan than I do now that I'm back in Australia. I don't really know why this is because Australia is a huge island and we have plenty of seafood available. The thing I did notice about Japan though is every single little tiny supermarket has an amazing range of fresh seafood for sale. It's a core part of the traditional Japanese diet even though a lot of young people in Japan have stopped eating many of the traditional, healthy foods now. Because of growing international concern about food miles and overfishing it might be a good thing I don't eat so much seafood these days.
Anyway.....this is a rather long winded way of introducing a new print of mine. I've had this design stuck in my head for a few years now and finally, it's on paper. This print is made from an original drawing with digital colour. It's in the shop now. So swim on over.............
Cute ;)